Wednesday, January 18, 2012

God Gave Us You!

The day I found out I was pregnant with you was the day life truly began.
We found out that my due date was September 24th, 2011, little did we know you would come early! Momma's pregnancy wasn't easy but it was DEFIANTLY worth it.

This is you in my belly when you were about 4/12 months
My belly was so little!! About this time, momma had kidney stones! NO FUN! I was so nervous that it would hurt you, but the doctors assured us that you would be just fine!

Momma finally started to get bigger right at the end, I wasn't used to it but I loved my little belly!
Around the end of August I was convinced that you needed to come, so I went to the doctor and they did an ultrasound. We found out that you weren't really growing like you should have been because momma was running out of room. They told us to wait about a week and they would check your progress. Daddy was so nervous, I think this is when it started to become real to him. 
Sept. 6th, 2011 momma went to the doctor, and as they sat monitoring me, my nurse walked in and said "Well looks like your having a baby today" I had thought I mentally prepared myself, but I was in shock and so excited. Daddy was at work so he didn't come to this appointment with me, but I texted him as soon as I found out they were sending me to the hospital! I told him you'd be on your way soon, and to head to the hospital. You could tell he was so nervous, he called and asked "What should I wear?" it was so cute, he was worried about looking good for his baby girl! Your daddy also wrote this on his "FaceBook" when he found out,

Its been awhile since I've shed a tear but I just got news that my baby girl Ryleigh Nicole Mallory is entering this big world today!!! :))

 ·  · September 6, 2011 at 10:22am via mobile · 

We were so excited!! We all thought that I would literally have you the same day so everyone rushed to the hospital, right when I got into a room my nurse informed me that it would be about 3 days! I was sooo upset, they wouldn't let me eat or anything, but your daddy stayed by my side the whole time and kept me pretty calm. Your mimi was also there right by my side encouraging me and telling me everything would be fine..

I was working hard bouncing on that ball to try and speed up the process.

We moved room to room and finally got to the labor and delivery room on September 7th, your dad and mimi took turns sleeping and making sure I was okay. The whole family, aunts and uncles and cousins, your great grandparents and Grandma Jane, Pops, Amber and Kaylee were all there eagerly awaiting your arrival too. Pops and Amber had to go home because Amber had school. They both wanted to be there the whole time but he had to work and Auntie Amber had to be at school. 

The doctors finally broke my water around 12:30 am. They told us that it would be about 5 hours before I would have you. Little did they know!!! Your dad and I were just sitting on the hospital bed playing with Aunt Kaylee's Ipad (the ipad was your dads best friend while were in the hospital.) 
As we were playing I thought it would be funny to mess with your mimi and tell her that I needed to push, at this time I was only kidding. The nurse came and checked me and told us it would still be a little while. Wellllllll then about 2 minutes later I really felt I needed to push, they checked again and told me I'd have to wait, I told them NOPE, you were coming right then, they checked again and the nurse said "oh hellloo baby" you were ready!!! 

.......about 20 minutes later

SEPTEMBER 8th 2011- 2:43am

This is when everything became truly real and when our lives changed forever!

BABY GIRL: 4 lbs 13.2 oz


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